Happy NEW Everything!!! What if, in this now present moment, you decided that all old everything ceases to exist? That means no more old stories, old limiting beliefs, old memories, old excuses, old ego tactics etc. And that all is now possible and available to create through Pure Presence, Pure Joy, Pure Imagination and Dreaming the New through you and into the physical reality world too. This is what is available to each one of us right now… With this New Energy (New Era of Aquarius), we are each being gifted the opportUNITY to elevate/raise our Consciousness and our body's Consciousness out of the old and into a Whole New Octave/Dimension/Vibrational Frequency Bandwidth where the old ceases to exist and every now moment is Zero Point Creation. It's a whole New Way of functioning where Love is our Foundation, and we create and build our New Earth Foundations as Pure Love. So keep letting go of the old energy (ie old patterns, habits, beliefs, programs) so you can create more space for your Light to Expand and your body's vibrational frequency to raise, as you Consciously Establish a New Energetic Baseline for where you function from… As a Higher Self… in the Higher Dimensional Realms… where Pure Peace, Simplicity and Joy are our natural states. Celebrating all that's possible and available for each one of us individually as well as collectively and for all of Humanity, as we each truly Remember who we are and why we came here… It takes us all living through Pure Presence and Zero Point Creation, with our Higher Hearts wide open and Consciously Building All ANew together as Pure Divine Love to accomplish all that we each came here to BE and do… Thank you for BEing YOU, Shining your Light Brightly and doing your part in service as Pure Divine Love too! 💜💖💚 P.S. For those asking/needing more personalized support as we navigate this New Era (Energy) where nothing is solid or stable yet and we each have to Consciously Create All New, New Earth Foundations and Realities, I've just opened up a new 3 Month Quantum Heart Frequency Accelerator Mentorship Package on sale to further support and empower those seeking this now. With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
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