Pure Divine Love is always present, yet sometimes we forget and have to “sift through the weeds” (ie clear the separation programming in the way), in order to raise our body’s vibrational frequency so we can feel, BEcome and Remember that we are Pure Divine LOVE in physical form again… May this Heart-Leaf remind you to always come back to Pure Divine Love inside. 💚💚💚 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
Have The Courage To Dive To New Depths... As every new level of depth achieved (within)... Unlocks a whole new treasure chest of gifts... Just waiting to be discovered, experienced and shared… With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋 Everything is Energy... Everything is a Consciousness… Everything is a Vibrational Frequency...12/15/2023 I was walking through the trees when everything just “clicked”… and I finally realized and connected the dots that… Everything is Energy… which is the same as: Everything is a Consciousness… which is the same as: Everything is a Vibrational Frequency... It’s all the same… yet each brings forth a slightly different awareness, feeling and focus…. I was jumping for JOY in the forest when I realized this with my whole BEing, as it connected everything in a whole new way and blew my understanding of it all wide open…. Feel to share here with you in case it supports you with connecting the dots with this and/or anything else too, as it’s such an amazing feeling when it all just “clicks” and a whole new understanding is felt throughout our whole BEing... 🌟🌳🌈💚🦋 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil BE FREE In every sense… BE FREE to leap into the vast unknown… BE FREE to soar to new heights… BE FREE to flop… BE FREE to express your uniqueness… BE FREE to go deeper… BE FREE to FEEL connected to everyone and everything… BE FREE to LOVE everyone and everything… BE FREE as Pure Divine Light in physical form… With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋 One of the things near and dear to my Heart-Soul that I have seen to start sharing is my own inner-connection with Whales/Whale Consciousness and how this comes through me every time I connect. Because there’s sooooo much and it’s different each time, I’m going to start sharing little snippets to inspire your Heart Expansion too. Understanding how this activates our LightBody and helps us open up to receive and connect more, I’m hoping to inspire you with different shares emanating from ancient wisdom, innocent play, joy, love and simplicity too. P.S. I know so many of you LOVE whales like I do, so hopefully this will activate more Whale Consciousness within you too! See the Whale Consciousness Activation Page for more activating and expanding. With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋 I recently realized, with my whole BEing, that when we don’t give our power away, no one or nothing has “power over us”…. 💞🦋💞 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil |
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