BE Curious... Wonder why... Ask questions... And more questions... And more questions... As you open up for new insights to flow through... Follow the threads... And ask more questions as you continue to unravel more threads... Let them lead you to a whole new awareness and understanding about yourself, the world and everything... Open up... Allow... Receive... Imagine... Remember... Feel... Hear... And see... All New insights, awarenesses and Sacred Remembrances flooding forth as you do... Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
Curiosity is our Super Power... When we're curious, our heart is open... When we're curious, we're open to looking at everything from many different perspectives... When we're curious, we're asking various questions that unlock new insights, awarenesses and understandings... When we're curious, we surrender control and the need to know from the limited mind, and open up to infinite possibilities and SOULutions... Curiosity expands our awareness... And opens us up to exploring and creating a whole new world of possibilities... So, BE curious... And see what opens up from deep inside as you do... With SOUL Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil I See You… * Note: As you read this, truly connect with how it FEELs in your body to receive this reflection from/as Universal Consciousness itself… I see your Brilliance… I see your Radiance… I see your Light… I see your Beauty… I see your Grace… I see your Strength… I see your Courage… I see your Bravery… I see your Boldness… I see your Passion… I see your Compassion… I see your Pure Love for all Living BEings and the Whole Planet… I see ALL of YOU… Do you see ALL of YOU too? And/or are there any parts of you that maybe need some extra love, attention and acceptance to nurture, embrace and allow the emergence of these aspects more fully? Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Leap Into The Unknown… As this is where all the magic is… On the other side of our comfort zones… It will take your strength, courage and bravery… To break through all the barriers that once held you back… Yet the Pure FREEdom and Pure JOY we experience every time we break through is the greatest gift… So take that leap, with faith and trust… And open up to a Whole New World of possibilities on the other side of the invisible barriers… (Once believed as real...) Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Happy NEW Everything Light Family!!! This 12:12 Gateway feels sooooooooo Expansive and FREEing and Liberating!!! Like we’re truly ushering in a Whole NEW Era NOW… And are each being given/gifted the opportUNITY to walk through a New Portal into a Whole New World of possibilities… Where the old everything ceases to exist…. Ie Clean slate… ie Zero Point… ie Starting over from scratch… Where anything and everything is possible… Where inner-FREEdom, Liberation, Heart-Expansion and inPOWERment are our natural ways of living, BEing and doing… Where our inner-vision fuels inspired creation… Where we can all truly live in peace and harmony within ourselves, with Gaia and all living beings… Where we all truly REMEMBER who we are and why we're here... May we each embrace this beautiful energy as our New “Normal”/Baseline... and Consciously create, BE, live, do and unite as this frequency/as we BEcome and learn to hold this vibrational frequency inside... Knowing that we all have an arsenal of tools to bring us back Home inside whenever needed too... SOUL Much LOVE Light Family!!! Let’s do this!!! Let's all walk into the Light together as LOVE!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🩷 With SOUL Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Sharing a simple visual journey as we each Consciously open our wings, take flight and soar into a Whole NEW Reality... Letting go of all that weighed us down, held us back or kept us in a forgotten state... Setting ourselves FREE from the inside out... And embracing a Whole NEW Way of Living, with all new beliefs, behaviors and responses, that are aligned with our Heart-Soul-Light! We have lift off!!! Wahoooooooooooo!!! We're going Higher... Keep Expanding.. Feel and connect with this strong and powerful Liberation Energy!!! Now let's go explore and see what else is possible. And observe everything from all New Higher Perspectives... Everything becomes crystal clear as we soar through the Heavens from deep inside... Achieving and anchoring this feeling and vibrational frequency within... And taking inspired action to birth all that's possible, as this vibrational frequency, through us and into our physical world with our Energy/Consciousness and all new ideas, visions, creations and projects too... PS Thank you to the lovely albatross who starred in this photo journey! May their beauty, grace and powerful wingspan inspire you to soar to new heights... as a whole new chapter/everything opens up for us all... 🪽💞🪽 With SOUL Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Choose LOVE… "Choose LOVE over fear" is such a common phrase that so many say… Yet I’ve been realizing new depths and nuances to this statement… And observing what it actually takes to choose LOVE over fear in every now moment... and to truly live this fully as well... With every feeling… With every belief… With every thought… With every emotion… With every breath… With every decision… With every action… And in every now moment... It's a lot easier said than done, and takes a lot of Conscious awareness and energy to shift where we function from, yet choosing LOVE over fear can change everything… When we really truly choose to BE, BEcome and BElieve this with our whole Body, BEing and Everything we've got… REMEMBER this… And keep choosing LOVE… Emanating SOUL much LOVE for all to feel, experience, Remember and Receive ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🩷 With SOUL Much LOVE, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil I’m realizing, on A Whole New and much deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper Level, the importance, magnitude and Sacredness of all that we are here to BE and do in this existence… And that in order to build A Whole New World with All New Ways, All New Values, All New Pure Relationships, All New Systems, All New Structures, All New Everything… We first have to intentionally and consciously clear/tear down/dismantle/dissolve ALL the old ways, all the old beliefs, all the old limits, all the old habits, all the old behaviors, programs, facades, illusions, foundations, systems and all the old everything within ourselves and in our physical reality world too…. So that we have a blank canvas/foundation to create the NEW from that’s PURE… So keep intentionally tearing down the old facades, illusions and distortions from deep inside… So that you (and we all) can rise from the ashes and rebirth ourselves anew… from a Pure place inside… With a renewed sense of purpose, vision and mission to build A Whole New World Together as Pure Divine Powerful Light BEings… P.S. The energy and song the last several days has been/felt like “A Whole New World”…. 🎶🌟🌈💖🪽 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Happy 888 Portal Star Light Family 🌟 It feels like we have each been diligently working through the energy of this Powerful 8 year, (which is also an infinity symbol when you flip the 8 on it’s side) and busting through all the limits, boxes, barriers, constraints and restraints that were in the way of us FEELing and truly BEing/Living as Infinite Light BEings... With today being a Triple 888 Infinity Energy, it feels like it’s a culmination point of all the deep inner work we’ve each been doing… And is activating the energy of Infinite Everything in Powerful Waves of Light rippling from deep within us and out through our fields into the ethers…. Activating Infinite Peace, Infinite Love, Infinite Joy, Infinite Beauty, Infinite Power, Infinite Inspiration, Infinite Creation, Infinite Expansion, Infinite Abundance, Infinite Everything… May you open up to feel these Beautiful and Powerful Triple Infinity Energies so they can expand from deep within you and ripple out through your field and into the ethers too… 🌟💖🌈💜🪽 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil This month feels like a catalyst for profound change… With the Powerful Equinox Passageway that can push and test us way beyond any perceived “comfort zone”, and the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse that can illuminate that which may have been hidden before… We are each being gifted the opportUNITY for radical inner-to-outer growth, transformation, expansion and metamorphosis… Yet how we experience everything, and how we come out the other side, is determined by our level of Consciousness that we function from and how we choose to move through everything in each now present moment… So… What if we flip the script and Consciously Choose to look at everything differently (ie the opposite of the ego)? What if with every test/challenge/trigger we face, we “become a detective” and intentionally look for the gifts (ie what this opportUNITY is inviting us to see that perhaps we couldn't see or recognize before)? As a “detective”… Observe your patterns… Observe when your Heart closes… Observe when you retreat into your head as a protective mechanism to feel safe… Observe when an emotion arises… Observe when you give your power away… Observe when you feel bad/guilty/ashamed/angry/frustrated… Observe when you pull all of your energy in to try to hide or be small… As a “detective/observer”, nothing is personal, it's just information that can then be used to STOP a PATTERN in it's tracks. And when we do this, we REMEMBER that WE HAVE THE POWER to dissolve any/all separation still held inside so that we can shift our level of Consciousness and change the way we respond, react and show up in every now moment. Talk about inPOWERing!!! So… BEcome a “detective” and see how simple it can be to RISE ABOVE any tests/challenges/triggers as a Higher Self… as you continue to resolve, dissolve and align all inside first… so that you can make decisions and take action from a balanced, centered, connected and expanded place inside as a Higher Consciousness. With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil |
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