Who would have thought that our Soul would lead us on the greatest adventure of all... A treasure hunt into the depths of our Soul... Where everything is created from... And all the answers exist... The more questions we are willing to ask ourselves... And the deeper we go inside to unlock the information we seek... The more all will be revealed to assist us with seeing that which was once hidden before... And understanding how all has been intricately interwoven and entangled to keep us stuck or bound to the old... Replaying similar karmic loop cycles over and over again... That kept us feeling small and powerless... And distracted us from recognizing the "game" that we've all been "playing out" here on earth... It starts with each one of us waking up to the illusion... The illusion of separation... The illusion that some people are "better than, smarter than, more important than, more worthy than, more successful than" others... The illusion that some people are "less than, not good enough, not smart enough, not important, not worthy, not successful"... The illusion that gender, class, race, status, job title or where one lives makes them "better than or less than" someone else... And the list goes on and on and on... The journey of returning to our Soul's natural state, which is a Unified State of Existence, is an un-learning and un-raveling of all that we were taught as a young child growing up that instilled fear, competition, elitism, racism, sexism, discrimination, lack, greed, guilt, shame, judgment, worry, stress and the mis-use or abuse of power... And... A Deep Remembrance that we are all ONE... We are all LOVE... We are all LIGHT-BEings who chose to incarnate here on earth to assist with the Ascension of this Planet... It takes each one of us to fully commit to doing the deep inner work to FREE ourselves from these unconscious patterns, programs and limiting beliefs... So that we can each BE the LIGHT-House that we came here to BE... And assist others on this journey too... When we live this way, it gives others permission to do the same... And LIGHTs the way home through our Hearts too... ❤️ Sending Waves of Love to All 💙 With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil
Everything that is not completely Pure is getting pushed up to the surface to be cleared with these high frequencies... especially any experiences or memories with the wounded masculine energies and/or giving our power away... We’ve got this Soul Family ❤️ Honor all that arises... Be Loving, kind and nurturing to your self... Allow any and all emotions to come up and be released... Move your body to assist with moving the energy... Allow the water element to assist you with clearing the old energies... Be in nature to support and assist this process... Sending waves of Love to all 💙 With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil Our dream space has been very active and vivid lately with deep cellular clearings as well as massive activations and the unlocking of new Light Codes too. Pay attention to any and all messages your Soul is communicating with you through your dream space, as these activations are inviting and allowing us to see, feel and understand more about our service roles as Light Beings here. As we apply these new codes in our waking state, we are able to unlock access to new information, awarenesses and realizations that further support us in fulfilling our Multi-Dimensional Soul’s Purposes and Galactic Missions as we continue to build and live our New Earth Realities. Sweet Dreams and Happy Activating Soul-Star-Light Family! 💙 With SOul Much Love,
Marissa O'Neil The back to back Eclipses felt like they brought through the rumblings of an inner earthquake, shaking apart/awake any and all separation still held inside each one of us as the constructs of our old earth reality (limiting beliefs, unconscious programming, childhood wounds, trauma, emotions, stress, control, abuse of power...) continues to collapse from deep within on a cellular level. This powerful undercurrent of energies has been subtly building and percolating within our cells, accelerating the immense clearings and upgrades our LightBody is going through, and illuminating the clarity that we each need (personally and collectively) to Consciously choose/create/build all new ways, new beliefs, and new value systems that supports All of HUmanity in harmonious ways where we can all live in balance and harmony with each other and the earth. Honor all that is coming up for review during this Sacred SOULstice Passageway! Some may feel a soft and subtle, yet deeply profound reset is underway... Others may be experiencing a bumpy, intense or radical life-course correction... And many more may be going through a complete metamorphosis with several death and rebirth cycles... Whatever you're going through, know that it is Cosmically and Universally designed to support you with living in alignment with your Multi-Dimensional Soul's Purposes/Missions, as we each do our part in fulfilling our service roles and creating, contributing to and building a New Earth Civilization for all. Honor all that arises through this Sacred Passageway and Embrace All New that comes forth through your deep inner connection with your Higher Self/Soul! 💜 P.S. Thank you to all who showed up and brought your beautiful energy and presence to our LightBody Support: Group Session live event! It was an illuminating conversation amongst beautiful Souls with many aha's for all! For those who couldn't attend live, the recording is now available to watch in our Light School. I look forward to hosting more events to continue to support you on your New Earth Soul Embodiment Journey! If there are any topics that you'd love to learn more about, please comment below and let me know so I can continue to create content that supports you ❤️ With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil Something big is percolating deep inside each one of us… Gaining momentum as it swirls around and rises up our spinal column (column of Light)… Cultivate this energy and allow it to build as it continues to grow stronger and stronger… Witness the beauty of this creative process as it begins to take shape and form… Play with the various expressions of Light that are opening up inside of you… And know that something Magical is about to be Birthed through you… Honor the fullness of this Sacred Journey and all that arises as you continue to listen to your Heart-Soul-Light (Higher Self Guidance)… ❤️💛💜 With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil |
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