I fell in love with the beauty, JOY and frequencies of "Home when I first saw and held an Andara in my hand. They've accelerated my Ascension Journey so much and have assisted with activating New Levels of Consciousness, Purity and Light.
InJOY playing with these magical Light BEings as your Heart and Soul connect with their beauty, wisdom, energy and Light Codes through the Activation photos below.
Please note that these are a private collection and are not for sale, yet you're welcome to check out our shop and see if you feel to work with any of those to accelerate your own journey too.
InJOY playing with these magical Light BEings as your Heart and Soul connect with their beauty, wisdom, energy and Light Codes through the Activation photos below.
Please note that these are a private collection and are not for sale, yet you're welcome to check out our shop and see if you feel to work with any of those to accelerate your own journey too.
I'll be updating and adding more photos here soon, so feel free to check back and see what other activating energy the Andara's want to share next.