Waking up today feels like A NEW DAWN... A NEW DAY... A NEW EVERYTHING... Where a newfound sense of Inner-FREEdom, Excitement and Pure Joy are emanating from deep within and a NEW ZEST for life and appreciation for being alive is pulsing through my whole BEing... Do you feel it deep within you too? The NEW is here for all of us to choose, dream, envision, create, build and invest our energy and reSOURCEs in... It begins as a seed of creation within each one of us... And blossoms, grows and flourishes as we expand our Consciousness, FREE ourselves from the inside out and Unite with others watering their New Earth Gardens of Creation too 💚 Pause for a moment here, close your eyes, and really truly allow your self to FEEL this inside your body. What do you FEEL? What do you SEE? What arises from deep within you that wants to be felt, witnessed, seen, experienced or expressed? This whole year, month and POWERful Equinox Passageway feels like a game changer on every level and in every way… Drawing a line energetically as well as physically, between Old Earth Separation Consciousness and New Earth Unity Consciousness… Where we each are being presented/faced with choosing which reality we're Consciously (or unconsciously) allowing, supporting, contributing to, creating, building and investing in, in every now moment… This Passageway has really accelerated, illuminated and magnified the vast differences/polar opposites between old 3D fear-based systems, structures, beliefs and ways of functioning built from the misuse/abuse of power, manipulation and greed… and New 5D+ realities built from the foundations of Pure Divine Love, ONEness and Unity Consciousness… Many have been experiencing the inner-crumbling and inner-collapsing of all of the old systems/structures, linear constructs/constraints and energetic walls of protection (ie separation, ie our own energetic prison) held within our own body templates… as we simultaneously witness the old systems/structures crumble and collapse in the external/physical more and more as well… I've been going through this in my own way inside of me, so I understand how massive all is... As we each continue to do the deep inner work necessary to FREE ourselves from the old fear-based matrix of twisted, distorted and entangled beliefs/patterns/habits, the more we are each able to love, accept and reclaim the aspects of ourselves that we rejected or abandoned along the way in an attempt to fit into a 3D society that felt harsh and foreign to the purity and innocence of our Divine Child Aspect... As we reclaim these aspects, we reach a point where we are able to merge all of our aspects back into ONE (achieving wholeness within ourselves) and can finally reclaim our Power as a Sovereign BEing... When we are able to truly hold, embody and live this fully, we get to experience new depths of Pure Divine Love, Joy and FREEdom within ourselves and get to share this to activate, inspire and empower others on this journey too... My wish is for all of Humanity to not only experience this, but to live this fully with every breath of air that we inhale and exhale as well 💜💖💚 With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
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