SEEing is POWER! Once we can SEE through the ego games/programming, we will no longer give our power away to our ego. PERIOD. SEEing is POWER! Once we can truly SEE everything, we will always choose to BE, act, function as and embody our Highest Aspects fully. With SOul Much LOVE, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
Did you know that it's our Higher Self Aspects that activate, unlock and bring forth our Super Powers…? As we merge our Consciousness with our Higher Self Aspects and BEcome ONE, a Whole New World opens up from the inside out…. A World where we can finally SEE beyond the veils, BS and ego programs/games… A World where we no longer cower down, hide or go small out of fear… A World where we can no longer be manipulated, coerced or influenced…. A World where we finally reclaim our Power as a Light BEing… A World where we take full responsibility for our energy, choices and whole reality... A World where we take a stand for what is just and fair for all.... A World where ALL BEings are equal, valued and treated with the utmost respect... A World where we Consciously Dream, Build and Create a Whole New Reality that's Aligned on a Soul-Level… And... A World where we Unite with other Embodied Souls to share our Super Powers and grow our Light Family CommUNITY as we create Heaven on Earth Together... So... Keep embracing this wild and crazy journey… Keep clearing the deep programming and conditioning… Keep surrendering, softening and letting go of control... Keep raising your body's vibration… Keep tuning your brain to higher frequencies… Keep honoring all that you see, feel and hear from the highest... Keep accessing and holding Higher States of Consciousness… Keep sharing your Light… Keep deepening your LOVE... Keep expanding your JOY… Keep floating, flying and soaring... And... Keep opening yourself up for your Higher Self Aspects to activate, integrate and merge their Consciousness with yours as you BEcome ONE again... As you do... Your Super Powers will activate and unlock too... ♥️ With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ariel O'Neil New Earth Soul Embodiment Guide Can you feel the Pure POWER within you that this Lionsgate Portal and Passageway is bringing through? It is time for all of us to stand our ground (as a Higher Self), to step into and embrace our Full Power as a Light BEing, to speak FREEly as a Divine conduit/vessel for our Higher Self Aspects to speak through us/AS us, and to have the courage to get out of our own way and truly BEcome our Highest Soul Aspects fully so we can FREE ourselves completely from the constraints, limits and self created prison of the old ego games/programming. So embrace your Inner Lion Aspect fully as your courage, strength, bravery and fierceness come forth from deep within. See these attributes/characteristics as your New Super Powers and Consciously Cultivate them, as these are beyond important and necessary in order for you/us all to fulfill our Soul's Purposes and Galactic Missions here on earth. And Remember, this is a very Sacred and POWERful Lionsgate Portal, so give yourself the space to honor all that comes through and forth for you to activate, experience, SEE and FEEL. All that is revealed/unveiled, may shift everything on every level and in every way… 🧡 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ariel O'Neil |
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