We Believe Everything Into Existence... Our thoughts, feelings, energy, vibrational frequency, levels of Consciousness and actions all create a reality... Beliefs that support our Soul's Highest Aligned Dreams and Visions for New Earth feel expansive, freeing and uplifting… Raising our body's vibrational frequency and inspiring and empowering us to keep dreaming bigger, expanding back into/as Pure Source Consciousness Light and taking action on fulfilling our Soul’s Highest Purposes and Missions… Beliefs that sabotage our Soul's Highest Aligned Dreams, Visions and Purposes (ie ego programs and limiting beliefs such as "fear, unworthiness, lack, perfection, people pleasing, guilt, shame” etc) feel restrictive, limiting and suffocating with no room to maneuver or breathe peacefully… Keeping us small, paralyzed in fear and stuck in a loop pattern that limits our ability to see our way out of an imaginary box, cage or “self-imposed prison”… Remember, where we choose to give our power, energy and focus determines the reality we experience... What are you choosing to believe into existence? I believe in you fulfilling your Soul's Highest Purposes, Visions and Missions! Do you believe too? 💖 Here to support you in shifting your beliefs from deep inside so you can take inspired action on fulfilling your Soul's Highest Aligned Dreams, Visions, Purposes and New Earth Realities too 💖 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
I've been shown repeatedly the magnitude of how important it is for each one of us to continue deepening our Sacred Inner Connection with our Soul… and feel it's paramount to share here with you now, as it's going to play a pivotal role in how we each navigate and experience this year and beyond… When our deep inner connection with our Soul is super strong and rock solid, there is no more doubt, questioning, uncertainty, giving our power away, hiding, playing small, being manipulated, conforming, being influenced by others or pressured by society… Rather, there is an inner knowing that is so strong that it's unshakable… and it is from this place deep inside that we make all of our decisions from, as a Higher Self Aspect (Soul)… The more we live and function this way, the more our Soul's Divine Blueprint can unlock from inside our DNA and all becomes visible and clear as a New Soul-Aligned Path Emerges… This becomes/is our Super Power! This is where we are unstoppable! This is how we create CHANGE, first within ourselves and then in our external world too. The old is collapsing and crumbling fast… and needs us as Light BEings to unlock the New SOULutions encoded within our DNA so we can step up and lead the way! The world needs your LIGHT! The world needs your STRENGTH! The world needs your COURAGE! The world needs your LOVE! The world needs your VISION! The world needs your GIFTS! So keep deepening and strengthening the most important relationship you will ever have in this lifetime… your SOUL! Keep listening to your Soul's subtle and not so subtle messages! Keep honoring all that you see, feel and are guided by your Soul! Keep merging and unifying all aspects into ONE! And keep trusting your SOUL over anything and everything else outside of you! Let your Soul run the show! Let your Soul take COMMAND as it leads the way out of the old and into ALL NEW EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE YOU! I BELIEVE IN YOU! I AM YOU… YOU ARE ME… WE ARE ALL ONE! It's time for all of us to FLY FREE in every way imaginable now and always 🦋 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa O'Neil |
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