Our hearts are opening and expanding more and more as the massive influxes of Ultra High Light Energies and Frequencies accelerate. These Energies are supporting us in clearing old limiting beliefs, emotions and programs from our body's cellular memory at an accelerated rate to assist us in purifying our physical body so we can each hold more Light. The more Light and Purity we each hold within, the more we experience Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Love, Pure Freedom, Pure Beauty and ONEness from deep inside and can Consciously Create new experiences that also emanate these frequencies too. Our physical bodies are going through immense upgrades as the influxes of Light push up anything and everything that isn't pure to the surface. So you may feel emotions rise up, you may feel "pain" in some areas of your body or you may find yourself caught in a loop cycle repeating a similar pattern again... Remember that this is all happening FOR YOU! This is an opportunity for each one of us to Consciously Choose to dive deeper within as we continue to cultivate a strong relationship with our Higher Self/Soul/LightBody and learn how/continue to ask and listen what it's communicating/showing/teaching us in every moment. Here are a few tips to bring your energy inside before asking/listening/communicating with your Higher Self/Soul/LightBody: ❤️ Closing your eyes supports you in letting go of the external world so you can focus on what's going on inside ❤️ Putting your hand on your heart supports you in focusing on your inner connection with your Heart/Soul ❤️ Taking several deep breathes with long inhales and long exhales assists you in moving any stagnant or stuck energy in your body and also supports you in letting go of anything you're "thinking of"/holding on to (attaching to) in your head/mind/ego (as this is simply energy that keeps you trapped in an ego/mind loop cycle) From this place of Pure Peace inside and a curiosity for listening with an open heart/mind, you can ask your Higher Self/Soul/LightBody anything. Be open to receiving answers in unexpected ways, as we don't always get direct answers. Sometimes it's a new awareness that pops in and we have to learn how to decipher what it means over much linear time. Sometimes we see a visual picture, sometimes we see repeating numbers like 1111 or 222, sometimes we hear song lyrics, sometimes we hear/see words or symbols, sometimes it's a deep feeling or knowing... each one of these messages is inviting us to expand to see/feel/understand more and usually requires us to ask more questions so we can unlock various pieces/aspects that eventually lead to seeing/understanding the whole picture/puzzle too. The more we open up a two way communication channel with our Higher Self/Soul/LightBody, the easier it is to understand the messages because we've learned our Soul's own unique communication language. I've personally been shown how important it is to prioritize my own Self-Care/Soul-Care these last few weeks to support my LightBody in anchoring, integrating and embodying more Light. For me, this includes BEing in nature, walking barefoot on Gaia, sun charging, immersing myself in water (bubble baths with magnesium flakes and swimming in the ocean), eating lots of oranges (Vitamin C), drinking green juices and honoring when my body needs to be horizontal in bed to surrender and allow the Light Upgrades to occur. Go inside to explore, discover and play with what supports your LightBody in anchoring, integrating and embodying more Light too! It may look completely different for you, only you will know what deeply nourishes your Heart and Soul ❤️ P.S. Here's a Light Activation to further support you in embracing this acceleration process so you can continue to embody more Light, raise your vibration and shift your Consciousness into Higher Dimensional Realities. Allow Your Heart To Expand As You BEcome The Light From Deep Inside! With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil
3/20/2021 10:36:33 am
Thank you for this beautiful article Marissa, it assists tremendously !!!🌈
3/21/2021 09:33:04 pm
So happy to hear this article assists you tremendously Saran! Keep allowing your Heart to open and expand more and more as you continue to shine your Light Brightly for all to see, feel and experience too 🌟🌈❤️
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