Welcome Home
To Heaven On Earth
Where We Embrace Our Own Divine Light,
Embody Our Soul's Pure Divine Essence,
Fulfill Our Multi-Dimensional Soul's Purposes
And Live New Earth Fully
From Deep Within
A Whole New World opens up to us when we merge our Human Consciousness, our Universal Consciousness and Gaia's Consciousness into ONE Unified Consciousness on a much deeper level than ever before. From this space of Pure Presence, we are able to experience ONENESS with everyone and everything. This is why we are all here... to Remember...
New Earth is born from this Remembrance.
At first we connect through our Hearts and whole BEing with the pristine softness, serenity, subtleties and glow. It's surreal and dream like...
The key is to tune in with our whole body and BEing through Pure Presence and our own deep Sacred Connection where all is completely Pure. This allows us to feel these beautiful harmonizing frequencies of Pure Heart Expansion, Magic, Bliss and Magnificence that can't be described with mere words... It is this that we emanate out into the world. It's this that changes our whole life! And nothing will ever be the same ever again...
We each have the capability to not only access this, but to Live it fully with our every Conscious breathe. I invite you to join me and come along to discover and unlock the hidden treasures of our New Earth.
It's a Journey...
At first we connect through our Hearts and whole BEing with the pristine softness, serenity, subtleties and glow. It's surreal and dream like...
The key is to tune in with our whole body and BEing through Pure Presence and our own deep Sacred Connection where all is completely Pure. This allows us to feel these beautiful harmonizing frequencies of Pure Heart Expansion, Magic, Bliss and Magnificence that can't be described with mere words... It is this that we emanate out into the world. It's this that changes our whole life! And nothing will ever be the same ever again...
We each have the capability to not only access this, but to Live it fully with our every Conscious breathe. I invite you to join me and come along to discover and unlock the hidden treasures of our New Earth.
It's a Journey...
New Earth FEELs like Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss and Pure Freedom. It's where Soul Star Light Family come together to create/build/accomplish fulfilling Higher Service Roles unique to each's Multi-Dimensional Soul's Purposes. BEing connected to everyone and everything and living in Divine Harmony. The key is to tune in with your whole body and BEing through pure presence and your deep sacred connection where all is love, and feel these frequencies and feelings of expansion, Magic, Beauty and Magnificence.
New Earth operates at a frequency bandwidth that transmits/emits waves of light and sound and colors (hues), kinda like how a radio channel transmits/emits these too. In order for each one of us to experience New Earth, we must raise our vibration and hold this vibration, by going deep within to feel all the sensations that Heaven On Earth encompasses/represents for each one of us. And then consciously choosing to live from/function from/embody these feelings as our every moment reality so that we can become a vibrational match.
Here's a simple and practical exercise that you can apply in your own life to support you:
Close your eyes and take some deep breathes until you feel fully present in this now moment and fully connected to your Heart-Soul-Light. Now ask your Higher Self/Soul to show you what your version of Heaven On Earth looks and feels like. Be patient as you begin to see pieces and parts of a picture and allow the full vision to come forth. Now immerse yourself in how your vision FEEELS in your body/Heart/Soul. The vision isn't as important, yet is usually needed in order to create the FEELing. Now the fastest way to experience New Earth is to choose to BE and do activities/things that bring forth those same FEELings. (It's about activating the feeling within and then holding/anchoring the feeling that brings forth New Earth realities.)
New Earth FEELS like Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss, Pure Love and Pure Freedom. It is from this place of deep Sacred Respect and Love where we re-connect and Unite with Soul Star Light Family, Fulfill Higher Services Roles unique to each's Multi-Dimensional Soul's Purposes and we each/all become ONE with everyone and everything.
The key is consciously choosing to BE/do activities that bring forth these feelings. So if Being in nature reminds you that you are connected to everyone and everything, choose to spend more time in nature. If swinging on a swing brings you joy, go do that more often. If swimming in the ocean brings forth a sense of freedom, go do that more often.
Until one day you don't need to do anything to feel this way, because you've now embodied/integrated/merged all these aspects into ONE - your LightBody/Soul Body. You have now become Pure Light, which is Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss, Pure Love and Pure Freedom. This is Soul Embodiment, which is a level of Consciousness where you've anchored your Higher Aspects from the Heavens into your physical form and transmuted/cleared all your lower aspects and you can now merge Heaven on Earth, which is Divine Soul Union.
Here's a simple and practical exercise that you can apply in your own life to support you:
Close your eyes and take some deep breathes until you feel fully present in this now moment and fully connected to your Heart-Soul-Light. Now ask your Higher Self/Soul to show you what your version of Heaven On Earth looks and feels like. Be patient as you begin to see pieces and parts of a picture and allow the full vision to come forth. Now immerse yourself in how your vision FEEELS in your body/Heart/Soul. The vision isn't as important, yet is usually needed in order to create the FEELing. Now the fastest way to experience New Earth is to choose to BE and do activities/things that bring forth those same FEELings. (It's about activating the feeling within and then holding/anchoring the feeling that brings forth New Earth realities.)
New Earth FEELS like Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss, Pure Love and Pure Freedom. It is from this place of deep Sacred Respect and Love where we re-connect and Unite with Soul Star Light Family, Fulfill Higher Services Roles unique to each's Multi-Dimensional Soul's Purposes and we each/all become ONE with everyone and everything.
The key is consciously choosing to BE/do activities that bring forth these feelings. So if Being in nature reminds you that you are connected to everyone and everything, choose to spend more time in nature. If swinging on a swing brings you joy, go do that more often. If swimming in the ocean brings forth a sense of freedom, go do that more often.
Until one day you don't need to do anything to feel this way, because you've now embodied/integrated/merged all these aspects into ONE - your LightBody/Soul Body. You have now become Pure Light, which is Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss, Pure Love and Pure Freedom. This is Soul Embodiment, which is a level of Consciousness where you've anchored your Higher Aspects from the Heavens into your physical form and transmuted/cleared all your lower aspects and you can now merge Heaven on Earth, which is Divine Soul Union.
Soul Embodiment is the integration of the Consciousness of all Pure Light aspects merged/Unified into ONE within a physical form (the LightBody or Soul Body). Some of these aspects are:
- Higher Self and Guides
- Angels and Archangels
- Mermaid, Whales, Dolphins - Oceanic World
- Lemuria and Atlantis
- Galactic Coucnil/Federation of Light
- Sirius, Pleidian, Lyran, Orion, Arcturian
- Being your own Universe - gridwork in your muscles
- Galaxies, Star Systems, Portals and Stargates
- Sun - SOULaris
- Source Consciousness
- Elemental Kingdom - Fairies
- Dragons
- Animal Kingdom
- God Consciousness
- Heavenly Consciousness (Heaven)
- Gaia's Consciousness
- Heart Consciousness - Human Heart, Universal Heart and Divine Masculine Heart
- 5 Elements - Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether
- Pure Love, Pure Peace, Pure Joy, Pure Bliss, Pure Freedom
- Divine Soul Union
- Merkaba - Masculine, Feminine, Child, Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, Divine Child
- Inner Sight (Pineal Gland)
- Inner Knowing, Inner Feeling, Inner Seeing, Inner Hearing (all the Clair's)