Have The Courage To Dive To New Depths... As every new level of depth achieved (within)... Unlocks a whole new treasure chest of gifts... Just waiting to be discovered, experienced and shared… With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋
Everything is Energy... Everything is a Consciousness… Everything is a Vibrational Frequency...12/15/2023 I was walking through the trees when everything just “clicked”… and I finally realized and connected the dots that… Everything is Energy… which is the same as: Everything is a Consciousness… which is the same as: Everything is a Vibrational Frequency... It’s all the same… yet each brings forth a slightly different awareness, feeling and focus…. I was jumping for JOY in the forest when I realized this with my whole BEing, as it connected everything in a whole new way and blew my understanding of it all wide open…. Feel to share here with you in case it supports you with connecting the dots with this and/or anything else too, as it’s such an amazing feeling when it all just “clicks” and a whole new understanding is felt throughout our whole BEing... 🌟🌳🌈💚🦋 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil BE FREE In every sense… BE FREE to leap into the vast unknown… BE FREE to soar to new heights… BE FREE to flop… BE FREE to express your uniqueness… BE FREE to go deeper… BE FREE to FEEL connected to everyone and everything… BE FREE to LOVE everyone and everything… BE FREE as Pure Divine Light in physical form… With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋 One of the things near and dear to my Heart-Soul that I have seen to start sharing is my own inner-connection with Whales/Whale Consciousness and how this comes through me every time I connect. Because there’s sooooo much and it’s different each time, I’m going to start sharing little snippets to inspire your Heart Expansion too. Understanding how this activates our LightBody and helps us open up to receive and connect more, I’m hoping to inspire you with different shares emanating from ancient wisdom, innocent play, joy, love and simplicity too. P.S. I know so many of you LOVE whales like I do, so hopefully this will activate more Whale Consciousness within you too! See the Whale Consciousness Activation Page for more activating and expanding. With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Your Whale SiStar 🐳💞🐋 I recently realized, with my whole BEing, that when we don’t give our power away, no one or nothing has “power over us”…. 💞🦋💞 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil This very Sacred and Powerful 11:11 Gateway initiates a deep Cleansing, Purification and Up-Leveling Process that supports each one of us with Moving Out Of Our Old Life (Energy) in order to create space for All New Soul-Aligned Realities to Emerge from deep within… So, I invite you to utilize this transformative energy to re-evaluate every aspect of your life (as a Higher Self), identify what's aligned and what's not aligned on a Soul Level, and then take the action steps necessary to re-align everything energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally and multi-dimensionally too… Bottom line is that All “old energy” has gotta go… And… The deeper we consciously choose to go inside now, and the more we are truly willing to see and live beyond the veils, the more our Inner-Freedom and Inner-Power comes through, and the more we are able to experience Pure Peace, Pure Love and Pure Joy on a whole new level inside too…. So, embrace the deep excavations, clearings and purification processes… Allow yourself to feel the uncomfortable emotions that arise fully, and give them an outlet of expression so the suppressed energy can be transformed into Light… Honor the intense LightBody Upgrades… Keep surrendering control to your Higher Self Aspects… Continue expanding your Heart Consciousness… And open wayyyyy up so your Higher Guidance can come through and LIGHT the way for All New Ways and Ideas to Create, Contribute, Build and Birth the New through YOU can come forth…. As this is a part of how we lay the Foundations for our New Earth Realities… Wrapping you in Pure Divine LOVE as you embrace this Transformative Passageway and Upgrade every aspect of your life 💞🤗💞 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil When we continue to share the information we receive through our Universal Heart and Higher Mind Consciousness, an Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom unlocks from deep inside our DNA… Where we each hold Light Codes that assist us with expanding our own Consciousness as well as activating the Consciousness in others when held fully, transmitted and shared too… So it is our responsibility to go inside our DNA to unlock these Light Codes (in-coded seeds of information) so we can see, hear, feel, de-code and interpret the wealth of information available… It’s a bit like a treasure hunt… Where we don’t know what we’re going to discover, yet we get clues and breadcrumbs to follow that lead us on a journey to unlocking the next Light Code so even more new realizations, awarenesses and expanded states of Consciousness can come forth… Now imagine there’s an Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom inside your body’s DNA… And in this Well are Infinite Light Codes floating around… That unlock when your body’s Consciousness reaches that vibrational frequency held inside… The more you unlock, the deeper you go inside and the more information you have access to for sharing, supporting, uplifting, inspiring and empowering others… Light Codes (at least for me) look like neon glowing star orbs floating around inside of each one of us, kind of what outer space looks like with the stars and galaxies, yet inside our body…. We use our Consciousness to unlock them, yet it’s not by force or trying… Rather our body’s Consciousness must reach and hold that vibrational frequency inside and our Universal Heart and Higher Mind Consciousness must be wide open too… The old adage “all the answers lie within us” rings true here, yet this realization and understanding gives it a whole new meaning and context… As our body’s Consciousness and Vibrational Frequency we hold inside determines all… All the information is here… swirling around inside our bodies… and it’s up to each one of us to unlock the codes in order to unlock access to it all… Rather than diving into the depths of the ocean to discover buried treasures, we (as Light BEings) dive deep into our body’s DNA to discover the Light Encoded Treasures (treasure chest of information)… It’s like we get to play the role/aspect of detectives and explorers, where we each hold a treasure map (DNA Blueprint) inside of us that unlocks when our body’s Consciousness reaches and holds that vibrational frequency inside… So Light Family… InJOY discovering and sharing the Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom you hold inside too... 🌟🌈🗝️ With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil I'm seeing how instrumental it is for each one of us to align and re-align our inner-to-outer realities over the next couple of months in preparation for all that's coming energetically, physically, cosmically and more… and feel guided to offer 50% OFF 1:1 Personal Sessions for the rest of the year to support those of you who are seeking more individualized support with this. I know how challenging things have been lately, as all that is not Pure Divine LOVE is coming up to the surface to be cleansed, purged and purified, both individually as well as collectively and globally… I've personally been going through massive clearings, purifications, upgrades and up-levelings… and know that having a Support System and Trusted Mentor to be a Guiding Light has been the only way I continue to move through it all with more ease and grace, always coming out the other side feeling Lighter, FREEer and more inPOWERed… So I feel to extend this opportUNITY and offer my Guidance, Support and Mentoring at a discounted rate to assist as many Souls as possible as we all navigate these pivotal times on this planet. If you feel called, Book Now to take advantage of this offer while there's still availability… P.S. Some of the many things I can support you with are: 🗝️ Clear old patterns, programs, limiting beliefs and emotions 🗝️ Heal childhood wounds and merge fractaled off (rejected/abandoned) aspects back into ONE 🗝️ Clear Ancestral lines, cut cords and clear old timelines/ancient existences 🗝️ Rewrite new programs, new beliefs and new stories that are Soul-Aligned 🗝️ Deepen your Sacred Inner-Connection with your Higher Self/Soul 🗝️ Expand your Heart Consciousness 🗝️ Raise your body's Vibrational Frequency 🗝️ Activate new Higher Self Aspects 🗝️ Reclaim your Power as a Higher Self Aspect 🗝️ Unlock New Keys and Codes that can open up new portals of opportunities 🗝️ Apply and Integrate New Realizations and Awarenesses in every now moment 🗝️ Consciously shift your inner-to-outer realities and experiences to BEcome Pure Joy, Pure Peace, Pure Love, Pure Freedom, Pure Light and Pure Magic 🗝️ Step into your next level Service Roles/Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil When we speak, write and share about our new realizations, aha’s and experiences… New Light Codes of information unlock inside of us for even more new realizations and inner-standings to come forth…. 🌟🗝️💡 So the more we share, the more we gain access to the living hologram/movie/Akash…. And the more we’re "weaving a dance of Light" with our Universe, where we’re receiving information and sharing (transmitting) information, that supports the greater whole, in equal balance, harmony and flow… 💃🏻💫♾️💫🕺🏻 On the flip side, if we’re “holding onto” information, in the “hopes of perfecting it one day”… Know that we’re also holding back new information, realizations and inner-standings to unlock, that could truly support and benefit others…. The whole process feels a bit like finding and following the breadcrumbs… where we’re given “pieces of the puzzle” if you will, yet have to do something with the information that supports Humanity in order to receive the next clue/Light Code/piece of the puzzle… 🧩🌟🕵🏼♀️ Imagine watching a movie in holographic still frames (hence the photo for further activation and inner-standing)… where the next frame appears/comes to Light after we speak, write and share the information as part of our service role fulfillment here… 🎥🍿🎬 So have fun sharing all your new realizations, aha's and inner-standings, as you feel is appropriate and highest aligned, and inJOY all that continues to unlock from deep within you as you continue supporting and empowering Humanity with all that does too 🌟🌈🗝️ With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect, 💞
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Happy Equinox Passageway!!! Wowzers… It's been a journey… How are you feeling through it all? August cracked everyone's Universal Hearts wide open, touching people personally and/or collectively with all that's being illuminated around the world…. There's been a lot of grieving… shattering of illusions… veils coming down (which are inside each one of us)… reclaiming our power… taking a stand… speaking up… saying no more… aligning and re-aligning realities…. and so much more… August feels like it was a game changer in so many ways… as we can't go back or un-see what we now see, know and feel…. The question we each get to ask ourselves now is: “What is my role”? (FYI The new video “Taking Off Our Rose Colored Glasses and Truly Seeing Beyond The Veils” covers this topic a bit more.) The collective theme I was shown for September is an acceleration of Ascension, both an Ascension of Consciousness as well as Physical Body Ascension. So if you feel like you've been “drinking from a fire-hose” of old emotions, triggers, memories or ego programming, know that it's all a part of a massive clearing, purge and purification process of your physical body vessel so more Light can fill your body (LightBody) and your Universal Heart can continue to open more and more too… Remember to be gentle, kind, loving and compassionate with yourself through it all and know that there is a much bigger purpose for all that you're currently experiencing and moving through. Wrapping you in Pure Divine LOVE as you navigate these accelerated upgrades and timelines! 🤗💜🤗 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil |
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