Sharing a simple visual journey as we each Consciously open our wings, take flight and soar into a Whole NEW Reality... Letting go of all that weighed us down, held us back or kept us in a forgotten state... Setting ourselves FREE from the inside out... And embracing a Whole NEW Way of Living, with all new beliefs, behaviors and responses, that are aligned with our Heart-Soul-Light! We have lift off!!! Wahoooooooooooo!!! We're going Higher... Keep Expanding.. Feel and connect with this strong and powerful Liberation Energy!!! Now let's go explore and see what else is possible. And observe everything from all New Higher Perspectives... Everything becomes crystal clear as we soar through the Heavens from deep inside... Achieving and anchoring this feeling and vibrational frequency within... And taking inspired action to birth all that's possible, as this vibrational frequency, through us and into our physical world with our Energy/Consciousness and all new ideas, visions, creations and projects too... PS Thank you to the lovely albatross who starred in this photo journey! May their beauty, grace and powerful wingspan inspire you to soar to new heights... as a whole new chapter/everything opens up for us all... 🪽💞🪽 With SOUL Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
Choose LOVE… "Choose LOVE over fear" is such a common phrase that so many say… Yet I’ve been realizing new depths and nuances to this statement… And observing what it actually takes to choose LOVE over fear in every now moment... and to truly live this fully as well... With every feeling… With every belief… With every thought… With every emotion… With every breath… With every decision… With every action… And in every now moment... It's a lot easier said than done, and takes a lot of Conscious awareness and energy to shift where we function from, yet choosing LOVE over fear can change everything… When we really truly choose to BE, BEcome and BElieve this with our whole Body, BEing and Everything we've got… REMEMBER this… And keep choosing LOVE… Emanating SOUL much LOVE for all to feel, experience, Remember and Receive ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🩷 With SOUL Much LOVE, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil |
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