BE Curious... Wonder why... Ask questions... And more questions... And more questions... As you open up for new insights to flow through... Follow the threads... And ask more questions as you continue to unravel more threads... Let them lead you to a whole new awareness and understanding about yourself, the world and everything... Open up... Allow... Receive... Imagine... Remember... Feel... Hear... And see... All New insights, awarenesses and Sacred Remembrances flooding forth as you do... Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
Curiosity is our Super Power... When we're curious, our heart is open... When we're curious, we're open to looking at everything from many different perspectives... When we're curious, we're asking various questions that unlock new insights, awarenesses and understandings... When we're curious, we surrender control and the need to know from the limited mind, and open up to infinite possibilities and SOULutions... Curiosity expands our awareness... And opens us up to exploring and creating a whole new world of possibilities... So, BE curious... And see what opens up from deep inside as you do... With SOUL Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil I See You… * Note: As you read this, truly connect with how it FEELs in your body to receive this reflection from/as Universal Consciousness itself… I see your Brilliance… I see your Radiance… I see your Light… I see your Beauty… I see your Grace… I see your Strength… I see your Courage… I see your Bravery… I see your Boldness… I see your Passion… I see your Compassion… I see your Pure Love for all Living BEings and the Whole Planet… I see ALL of YOU… Do you see ALL of YOU too? And/or are there any parts of you that maybe need some extra love, attention and acceptance to nurture, embrace and allow the emergence of these aspects more fully? Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil Leap Into The Unknown… As this is where all the magic is… On the other side of our comfort zones… It will take your strength, courage and bravery… To break through all the barriers that once held you back… Yet the Pure FREEdom and Pure JOY we experience every time we break through is the greatest gift… So take that leap, with faith and trust… And open up to a Whole New World of possibilities on the other side of the invisible barriers… (Once believed as real...) Your Whale SeaStar,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil |
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